Formulation design of granules by wet granulation to avoid tableting failures


We previously determined “Tableting properties” by using a multi-functional single-punch tablet press (GTP-1). We plotted “Compactability” on the x-axis against “Manufacturability” on the y-axis to allow visual evaluation of “Tableting properties”. Here, we examined whether this evaluation method can be used in the formulation design of tablets prepared by wet granulation. We used the GTP-1 to measure “Tableting properties” with different amounts of binder, disintegrant, and lubricant, and compared the results with those of tableting on a commercial rotary tableting machine. Tableting failures (capping and binding in particular) occurred when samples that had been evaluated as having poor “Compactability” or “Manufacturability” on the GTP-1 were compressed on the rotary tableting machine. Thus, our evaluation method predicted tableting failure at the commercial scale. The method will prove useful for scaling up production.

Formulation design of granules by wet granulation to avoid tableting failures.
Capping. Binding. No tableting failures.
Formulation design of granules prepared by wet granulation method using a multi-functional single-punch tablet press to avoid tableting failures
Takashi Osamuraa, b, Yoshiko Takeuchia, , Risako Onoderaa, Masahiro Kitamurab, Yoshiteru Takahashib, Kohei Taharaa, Hirofumi Takeuchia,
Formulation design of granules prepared
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Gamlen Tablet Press GTP-1
Save time and money with the only computer controlled, laboratory tablet press
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