Aqueous Polymer Dispersion Coating Used for Osmotic Pump Tablets: Membrane Property Investigation and IVIVC Evaluation


The objective of this study was to investigate the fundamental properties of propranolol hydrochloride osmotic pump tablets coated by aqueous polymer dispersion, simultaneously exploring the in vitro and in vivo correlation of the tablet. The physicochemical properties and parameters of aqueous polymer dispersion membranes (SEM, water uptake, and water vapor transmission coefficient) were investigated. In addition, the release behavior and the in vitro release and in vivo absorption profiles of the tablets coated by aqueous polymer dispersion were investigated by comparing with propranolol hydrochloride osmotic pump tablets coated by an organic solvent. Results showed that the similarity factor (f2) between cellulose acetate-coated tablet and Eudragit-coated tablet was 78.1, and f2 between cellulose acetate-coated tablet and Kollicoat-coated tablet was 77.6. The linear IVIVC of Eudragit-coated and Kollicoat-coated osmotic pump tablets was determined, which confirmed excellent correlation between the absorption in vivo and the drug release in vitro. Consequently, the membrane coated by aqueous polymer dispersion or organic solvent has similar in vitro release rates of controlled release. Also, compared with organic solvent coating, aqueous polymer dispersion has numerous advantages, such as reduced toxicity and no environmental damage. Therefore, the aqueous polymer dispersion technology has enormous potential as a replacement of organic solvent coating.
