Novel Uses of Pharmaceutical Polymers as enabled by KinetiSol® Dispersing

Poor water-solubility is a common characteristic of drug candidates in pharmaceutical development pipelines today. Various processes have been developed to increase the solubility, dissolution rate and bioavailability of these active ingredients belonging to BCSII and IV classifications. Over the last decade, nano-crystal delivery forms and amorphous solid dispersions have become well established in commercially available products and industry literature. Chapter 1 is a comparative analysis of these two methodologies primarily for orally delivered medicaments. The thermodynamic and kinetic theories relative to these technologies are presented along with a survey of commercial relevant scientific literature. Marketed products from both technologies are presented, but there appears to be more amorphous dispersion products on the U.S. market today and current development trends are showing an industry preference for amorphous solid dispersions. 

Novel Uses of Pharmaceutical Polymers as enabled by KinetiSol® Dispersing
Dissertation: Chris Eugene Brough, Ph.D.
The University of Texas at Austin, 2015
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