Active ingredients in pharmaceuticals di er by their physico-chemical properties and their bioavailabil- ity therefore varies. e most frequently used and most convenient way of administration of medicines is oral, however many drugs are little soluble in water. us they are not su ciently e ective and suitable for such administration. For this reason a system of lipid based formulations (LBF) was developed. Series of formula- tions were prepared and tested in water and biorelevant media. On the basis of selection criteria, there were se- lected formulations with the best emulsi cation poten- tial, good dispersion in the environment and physical stability. Samples of structurally di erent drugs includ- ed in the Class II of the Biopharmaceutics classi cation system (BCS) were obtained, namely Griseofulvin, Glib- enclamide, Carbamazepine, Haloperidol, Itraconazol, Triclosan, Praziquantel and Rifaximin, for testing of maximal saturation in formulations prepared from com- mercially available excipients. Methods were developed for preparation of formulations, observation of emulsi- cation and its description, determination of maximum solubility of drug samples in the respective formulation and subsequent analysis. Saturation of formulations with drugs showed that formulations 80 % XA and 20 % Xh, 35% XF and 65% Xh were best able to dissolve the drugs which supports the hypothesis that it is desirable to identify limited series of formulations which could be generally applied for this purpose.
1University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy
Institute of biology, zoology and radiobiology, Komenského 73, 041 81 Košice, e Slovak Republic
2Astellas Pharma Europe BV, CTM Manufacturing Department,
e Netherlands
FOLIA VETERINARIA, 60, 4: 63—69, 2016