Moving toward a paradigm shift in the regulatory requirements for pediatric medicines


Over the past two decades, there has been growing concern over the lack of proper medication for children. This review attempts to evaluate the current progress of EU Pediatric Regulation made since 2007. The lack of properly evaluated pediatric medication has for long been a source of concern in the European Union. The drugs that were used in the past were often not properly evaluated, and dosage was arbitrarily calculated. Therefore, it was necessary to establish the Pediatric Regulation (EC no. 1901/2006) in the EU which would mandate research for pediatric drugs. Current legislations in place not only require mandatory research by pharma industry but also have guidelines to direct the quality of pediatric research performed. The main aim of this regulation was to advance high-quality research and development of pediatric drugs, thereby increasing the availability of safe and effective drugs for children. It also aimed to improve the information available on existing pediatric drugs. It has been 9 years since the pediatric regulation was framed. The pharma industry now sees pediatric research as an integral process of development. Drug companies which develop plans for a new drug, new form of drug, new indication, or new route of administration for adults are obliged to integrate in their development plan similar research for pediatric populations as well.
