This research has investigated over different parameters and combined the additional anti-cancerous properties of high ester pectin based formulation, which exhibit almost negligible degradation by colonic bacteria. In present investigation compression coated tablets were prepared using high ester pectin derived from Mangifera indica fruit peel for colon specific delivery of 5-Fluorouracil. Pectin was extracted from dried fruit peel powder of Mangifera indica using water acidi ed with 0.2 M citric acid and further isolated with ethanol. For optimization of drug release in to descending colon tablets were prepared using two independent variables (concentration of pectin in compression coating and concentration of Eudragit L100 in enteric coating) at three levels. Drug releases were studied using different buffers without pectinase and with pectinase. Results showed maximum drug release into the colon can be achieved with batch F8 consisting 60% pectin concentration and 12.5% Eudragit L100 in enteric coating with less deviation with predicted response. It was also found that drug release from enteric coated tablets does not changed signi cantly in the presence of enzyme. Thus, combination of pharmacological activities of drug and high ester pectin along with site speci city of Eudragit L-100 has focused a new light towards the area of conventional dosage forms.
1Department of Pharmacy, School of Medical and Allied Sciences, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, UP, India 2Department of Botany, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, UP, India
Malviya et al., Pharm Anal Acta 2016, 7:3